Alarm Industry Fights Sandy Springs Ordinance in Appeals Court

Alarm Industry Fights Sandy Springs Ordinance in Appeals Court

Last week, the alarm industry made its oral argument at the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to fight alarm company fining for false alarms in Sandy Springs, Georgia. The city’s controversial alarm verification ordinance went into effect last June. Since...
ESA Fire Certifications Grow in Popularity and AHJ Approvals

ESA Fire Certifications Grow in Popularity and AHJ Approvals

ESA’s fire certifications, preferred for streamlined access to training, testing and credentialing, are gaining traction across the US as alternatives to NICET. Most recently, ESA’s National Training School (NTS), racked up approvals in Hawaii and in Kansas’ Sedgwick County and...
DMP Takes Steps to Protect Privacy and Connected Devices

DMP Takes Steps to Protect Privacy and Connected Devices

Your ability to meet customers’ security needs relies heavily on the manufacturer you choose. There are many new privacy laws going into effect — is your control panel manufacturer able to keep up with the changes? California’s Senate Bill 327...
ESA at the Turn of a Decade

ESA at the Turn of a Decade

ESA staff was busy during 2019 building new benefits and improving the services we provide to give our nationwide members powerful tools for success. Your success has always been ours – and in 2019 there was much to report. In...
ADT and Lyft Take Security on the Road

ADT and Lyft Take Security on the Road

ADT has formed a partnership with ridesharing company Lyft to provide security features for its drivers and riders. The new feature will appear in the Lyft app in ten pilot markets for testing in early 2020. ESA Member Company ADT...
New Process for Renewing ESA Certifications

New Process for Renewing ESA Certifications

As of January 1, there are two big changes to the NTS Certification Renewal process that will make it easier to keep your NTS Certification(s) current. Work Experience During a Renewal Cycle The first change taking effect is that CEU...
Training as a Service Receives Positive Reviews at Launch

Training as a Service Receives Positive Reviews at Launch

Cookie-cutter training solutions will not work to meet the needs of today’s employers. With a tight labor market making retention a priority, proper onboarding and training programs could be the difference between making 2020 a fantastic year or a flop...
Your Voice on the Hill in 2019

Your Voice on the Hill in 2019

Legislation and regulations are constantly changing, affecting our industry and the communities in which our member companies operate. We strive to keep our members in the know, give them a voice on Capitol Hill and share tools so they can...
Troubling State Legislation from Virginia and Utah in December

Troubling State Legislation from Virginia and Utah in December

We normally see and expect a relatively quiet month for legislative upheaval as most state legislatures wind down for the holidays. Maybe it is just a portend of what we can expect in 2020, but some significant legislation impacting the...
Legislative Report – December 2019

Legislative Report – December 2019

Federal Legislative Summary A federal bill that will add meaningful strength in the battle to end persistent “robocalling” abuses that all Americans suffer from, passed Congress and on December 30, 2019, was signed into law by President Trump. Cited as...