ESA Appoints Kevin Stone, Doyle Security, as Treasurer on Board

ESA Appoints Kevin Stone, Doyle Security, as Treasurer on Board

Kevin Stone, Chief Operating Officer of Doyle Security Systems in Rochester, NY, has recently been appointed as Treasurer on the Electronic Security Association’s Board of Directors. The purpose of a Treasurer is to work collectively to provide good governance of...
Mobile access  has never been easier!

Mobile access has never been easier!

SPONSORED CONTENT LEGIC Connect Go and “Credentials as a Service” The smartphone has become the de facto device used for interaction with almost everything. From ePayment, virtual transportation and concert tickets, customer loyalty cards, office, residence, and hotel room entry,...
Steering Federal Construction Funds to Unions is Bad Public Policy

Steering Federal Construction Funds to Unions is Bad Public Policy

On February 4, 2022 President Biden issued an executive order (EO) that will require project labor agreements (PLAs) on federal construction contracts of $35 million or more in total value. While many ESA members may think the size of these...
Legislative Report February 2022

Legislative Report February 2022

Here are highlights of legislative activity that could impact the electronic security and life safety industry from February.   Federal Legislative Summary – February 2022 If you ever want to know how bizarre things can get in Congress, take a...
AT&T 3G Sunset Update

AT&T 3G Sunset Update

We reach out today to share updates on this important week. AICC continues its significant efforts to ensure a safe and reasonable sunset of the AT&T 3G network. Over the past year, AICC has gained support from the White House,...
Haley Glover: A Tale of ESA National Training School Courses, High Heels and a Fire Ladder

Haley Glover: A Tale of ESA National Training School Courses, High Heels and a Fire Ladder

In lieu of it being Women’s History Month 2022, perhaps there is a bit of irony when women in security start their professional paths in female-dominated jobs, such as teaching, but later find career success in a male-dominated industry, such...
7 Success Strategies for 2022

7 Success Strategies for 2022

The 3G communications sunset, pandemic and supply chain struggle has security pros’ heads spinning. Fear not, here are tactics to forge ahead.    Let’s quickly go over the basics. At the time of authoring this article, AT&T had not moved...
Important Potential Solution for Replacement of Certain 3G Devices

Important Potential Solution for Replacement of Certain 3G Devices

Status of AT&T 3G Sunset Today, February 22, is the day that AT&T will start its 3G shutdown. AICC has been working to have AT&T delay the shutdown until later in 2022, but thus far no extension has been granted. As...
Important ESA Association Business at ESX

Important ESA Association Business at ESX

Join ESA as we meet on June 14 at the Fort Worth Convention Center for these important meetings:   Tuesday, June 14 ESA Board of Directors Meeting 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM   ESA Government Relations Committee 11:00 AM –...
Discover ESA Membership @ ISC

Discover ESA Membership @ ISC

Schedule a Meeting with the Membership Team Heading to Vegas next month? We'd love to learn more about you and your company — and discuss how leveraging ESA Membership can save you on insurance, training, business purchases and connect you...