Brinks Home Security 5K Benefits Community, Mission 500

In four years, one dynamic duo has partnered to raise more than $200,000 for children living in severe need. ESA Member Brinks Home Security, a long-standing security company driven by passionate leaders and staff, not only provides security to one million residents and businesses in the United States, but has teamed up with Mission 500 to serve children and families living in poverty.
Crossing Paths
Jeff Gardner, President and Chief Executive Officer of Brinks, desired to extend his passion for protecting the public in ways security products could not reach. With many passionate employees, Gardner knew he could carry out his mission to help his community on a large scale.
Then, he found Mission 500, which provided him the opportunity to team up for a greater cause. A charity driven by associations, media, trade shows, manufacturers, distributors, integrators and end users supports, Mission 500 allowed Brinks to team up with other security companies to make a difference.
“Mission 500 exists to advocate for children living in severe poverty, inspire and act as a catalyst in the security industry for excellence in corporate social responsibility, and mobilize volunteers and resources to make a tangible difference for children and families living in poverty in the U.S.,” Mission 500.
The Brinks 5K
In 2014, Gardner made the call to Mission 500 to set up an event in 2015 to give back. As an elite runner, Gardner expanded his hobby into a charitable event for the foundation, bringing life to the annual race for a cause.
Every year, the Brinks 5K attracts sponsors from across the nation to contribute to Mission 500. Runners, walkers, and Brinks employees participate in the event, raising thousands of dollars for the foundation.
“Brinks has been partnering with Mission 500 for four years,” says Jeff Eichenlaub, Mission 500 Board Advisor.
“[Brinks] is a group of really dedicated employees and outstanding leadership that want to make a difference by giving back to children living in severe need.”
Brinks provides resources and volunteers for the race as an investment into Mission 500.
“It is great to watch the organization get behind what we do and inspire others,” says Eichenlaub. “Brinks raises sponsorship money to help invest in resources and they actually motivate these other companies to do the same.”
In order to put on the event, Brinks partners up with nationwide security companies and industry leaders.
“We start preparing for the race the day after it ends in the prior year. We take about two months in preparation, to put notifications out to people who we think would be interested in running. We solicited contributions from [our vendors] and our employees and got the word out. That is why it keeps growing,” says Fred Graffam, Chief Financial Officer of Brinks.
Giving Back
All the proceeds of the race go to Mission 500 and a charity of choice. In 2019, Brinks chose Habitat for Humanity as the benefiting charity. The day prior to the race, Brinks employees assembled 600 refill compassion packs for a local Title I school. The staff wrote compassionate and encouraging notes to children of a local school during their breaks at work. Next, they had 27 Brinks employees build walls for a home for Habitat for Humanity in North Texas to provide low–cost housing for families in need.
In the previous year, Brinks took the proceeds from the Brinks 5K to build a life–skills coaching program in Houston, Texas for those affected by Hurricane Harvey.
“The families were already living in poverty to begin with and were affected by the hurricane dramatically. The K-12 center helps make them college ready and teaches them life skills, and that was made possible by the generosity of Brinks and the race itself,” says Eichenlaub.
Brinks Leadership
Brinks leadership through creating a charitable event are an excellent representation of ESA’s code of ethics. The fundraising and volunteering that Brinks conducts with their annual 5K represent the level of commitment to customers and communities that the ESA encourages its members to engage in.
“The race is an extension of what we do as a company. Every day, we are protecting people from others intruding in their homes, and catastrophic events such as fires or home invasion. Our company protects people, and this is just an extension of that,” says Graffam.
Brinks hopes to encourage other companies to step away from their desk and to give back to the communities that they protect each day.
“Find something that your leadership is passionate about and you think would resonate with your employees and make it an exciting event,” says Graffam. “There is nothing wrong with having fun and giving back at the same time.”