Is There Another Way to Fix the Healthcare Dilemma for Small Businesses?

Is There Another Way to Fix the Healthcare Dilemma for Small Businesses?

‘Repeal and replace’ was a campaign promise from many (including the sitting President) for the looming failure of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), aka “Obamacare”, but as is usually the case, congressional leaders have not come up with a way...
Cyber-Crime Growth… Are You Covered?

Cyber-Crime Growth… Are You Covered?

Think you’re safe? Sadly, the odds are stacked against you. According to Cyber Facts only 44% of internet traffic is actual humans, the other 56% is bots, impersonators, hacking tools, scrapers and scammers. The results? 37,000 websites are hacked every day. In fact, costs...
Advocacy: a Key Ingredient to Member Value

Advocacy: a Key Ingredient to Member Value

Our member surveys continually reveal a common thread with other trade and member-based associations. When asked about the importance of different programs and services – advocacy is an intrinsic and highly-important benefit. Our member surveys continually reveal a common thread...
What is FirstNet and Why It Matters

What is FirstNet and Why It Matters

When hi-jacked airliners flew into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, rather than the nations’ Capitol, on September 11, 2001, a glaring defect in public safety communication was exposed among many infrastructure issues. Hurricanes Katrina, Rita...
ESA Member Company, Electric Guard Dog Fills Tractor Trailer of Supplies for Houston’s Harvey Victims

ESA Member Company, Electric Guard Dog Fills Tractor Trailer of Supplies for Houston’s Harvey Victims

We are consistently reminded that the electronic security industry is a big hearted one. This ESA Member company is proving all the individual efforts can make a big impact for those in need. Electric Guard Dog raised over $3,000, which...
Consider These Do’s and Don’ts for Your Onboarding Process

Consider These Do’s and Don’ts for Your Onboarding Process

Retention, Engagement, Satisfaction, Productivity — these are all important endeavors that you as business professionals consider when hiring a new employee. But, there’s an important process that encompasses all four of these areas, and it tends to be forgotten about....
Tax Update — New 1099 Penalties

Tax Update — New 1099 Penalties

Most of you have heard me discuss the perils of treating employees as “contractors” and issuing them IRS forms 1099. Not only is it a bad idea to treat an employee as a contractor, the IRS has instituted new requirements, and...

Webinar: AlarmNet 360™: Virtual Game Changer for Your Business

Webinar: AlarmNet 360™: Virtual Game Changer for Your Business