Communities Find Success with SIAC’s Model Alarm Ordinance

Communities Find Success with SIAC’s Model Alarm Ordinance

A new, third-party study funded by the Security Industry Alarm Association (SIAC) and conducted by a professor at the UNC-Charlotte, Criminal Justice & Criminology Department shows the clear benefit to law enforcement of the Model Alarm Ordinance, promoted by SIAC....
Who Ya Gonna Call?

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Who Ya Gonna Call: By John Loud  The other night, we had some friends over and were enjoying a great afternoon at the lake. My friend, Kirk, has a very successful veterinarian practice in the metro Atlanta area, so I...
Spooktacular Halloween Season Savings

Spooktacular Halloween Season Savings

Scary Good Halloween Savings!  Fall Season is in full swing and with that comes spooky movies, all things pumpkin flavored, cooler weather, and scarily good savings on all things Halloween with the power of ESA Membership! Your employees can enjoy...
A Lack of Job Safety Training Can Hurt – OUCH!

A Lack of Job Safety Training Can Hurt – OUCH!

Do you think that technicians tend to take job safety procedures, training, and documentation lightly or seriously? I never gave this question much thought until recently when I had a conversation with a long-time ESA member about his experience with...
ICT Accelerates US Growth

ICT Accelerates US Growth

Leading manufacturer of intelligent electronic access control announces the appointment of seven new sales staff as they continue to expand their US footprint. Increase in staff is “just the beginning” according to John King, Director of Sales (USA). ICT, a...
Join the Western Digital myWD™ Partner Program

Join the Western Digital myWD™ Partner Program

Join the Western Digital  myWD™ Partner program The myWD Partner Program is designed to help you service the changing storage needs of your growing security business and increase profitability. The program offers a comprehensive lineup of benefits including direct sales...
The Importance of Peer Groups for Executives

The Importance of Peer Groups for Executives

According to a study done by Harvard Business Review, half of chief executive officers (CEOs) experience the feeling of loneliness and 61% of them state that the issue hindered their performance at work.   It shouldn’t be lonely for leaders and...
Legislative and Political Landscape for 2023

Legislative and Political Landscape for 2023

The legislative sessions for most states are completed for 2022 and politicians are already preparing for their respective elections. While we cannot predict the outcomes of those state and federal elections, we can have some assurance on the type of...
Modern Day Monitoring Innovations

Modern Day Monitoring Innovations

Alarm monitoring has evolved and matured markedly over the years. For ADT, those years number 145, as the company has been working to protect homes longer than any other in the industry! There have been exponential advancements in monitoring technologies...
So Long Summer, Hello Back to School Savings!

So Long Summer, Hello Back to School Savings!

The Summer of 2022 is coming to a close.  We are now in the thick of the next school season! Whether your employees are in the market for school supplies, their next vacation or just getting a head start on...