Summer is here, which means homeowners nationwide will soon be targets of deceptive door knockers trying to con them into switching their alarm service. Last week, ADT, ESA, TMA, and the Louisiana State Fire Marshal joined the Better Business Bureau of...
This week, the Electronic Security Association’s National Training School, launched its new Online Instructor Led Training (OILT) platform providing synchronous online training to its customers. ESA has been a front-runner when it comes to offering online courses for the electronic...
Posted: May 22, 2018
Categories: Uncategorized
Posted: May 22, 2018
Categories: Uncategorized
by Chris Heaton - Vice President for Advocacy and Public Affairs
On October 12, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order, “Promoting Healthcare Choice and Competition Across the United States,” with the stated purpose of facilitating the purchase of health insurance across state lines and creating a healthcare system that is...
Posted: May 11, 2018
Categories: Uncategorized
Posted: May 11, 2018
Categories: Uncategorized
by Michelle Yungblut - Vice President of Training & Certification
Yes, you read that title right. And nope, we aren’t hiring virtual instructors. The ESA National Training School is going to start offering instructor-led training courses virtually! We are referring to this new delivery method as Online Instructor Led Training (OILT). Yes, you read that title...
by Chris Heaton - Vice President for Advocacy and Public Affairs
Members who participated in ESA’s District Day last week found the visits to their local congressional offices to be productive. Engaging with their elected officials and staffs, ESA Members moved the needle, educating many on the issues we face in...
by Chris Heaton - Vice President for Advocacy and Public Affairs
School security and safety related bills dominated the state legislative activity for the last two months. There were 82 bills that were introduced or moved during this time and many of these bills will provide for infrastructure improvements that include...