Angela White / 2018 Morris F. Weinstock Person of the Year

Model Language for Low-Voltage Exemption from Electrical Licensing Saves the Day, Most Recently in Colorado

Model Language for Low-Voltage Exemption from Electrical Licensing Saves the Day, Most Recently in Colorado

In October 2013, ESA, the Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association (CEDIA) and a number of representatives from national companies and other industry-related organizations formed a coalition to meet and collaborate on common areas of interest to our respective industries....
Legislative Report – May 2019

Legislative Report – May 2019

FEDERAL Federal legislation in the last month demonstrates the wide divide that exists in Congress. Some bills, such as H.R. 2571 create a “National Right-to-Work Act,” effectively barring unions from forcing union membership or agency fees on employees who work...
A Path to Onboarding New Employees

A Path to Onboarding New Employees

Hiring is tough! Many years ago, before I became a manager, I used to think that management was just looking for a reason to fire people. In hindsight, I couldn’t have been more wrong. Any manager worth their salt knows...
5 Stars for Clover Smart Home

5 Stars for Clover Smart Home

Lane Ellis, co-founder and principal at Clover Smart Home in Kaysville, Utah, says one of the questions he’s often asked by prospects and customers is the origin of the company name. While the clover and four leaflets are traditionally thought...
ESA’s National Training School Launches New Training as a Service (TaaS) Program

ESA’s National Training School Launches New Training as a Service (TaaS) Program

ESA’s National Training School announced the launch of its new Training as a Service Program (Taas) last week at ESX in Indianapolis. This member-only customizable training program is designed with two tracks to help security professionals develop the skills they...
2019 Youth Scholarship Winner Emma Fatzaun Awarded at ESX

2019 Youth Scholarship Winner Emma Fatzaun Awarded at ESX

The first-place winner of the ESA Youth Scholarship Program, Emma Fatzaun, accepted her $9,000 scholarship on the ESX Main Stage during the Closing Keynote Luncheon on June 6. Her father joined her on the stage, where she stepped to the...
VIDEO: Angela White Receives Weinstock Person of the Year Award at ESX
Do People See You As A ‘Positive Disruptor’ Or Just Disruptive?

Do People See You As A ‘Positive Disruptor’ Or Just Disruptive?

By Mark Murphy The biggest-name CEOs usually have reputations as disruptors; think Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Sara Blakely, and more. But when you’ve invented a smartphone or an electric car or slimming underwear, you don’t need to worry...
Real Smart Home and Security: Only at SnapAV

Real Smart Home and Security: Only at SnapAV

Are you looking for ways to differentiate from every other “” panel on the market? Do you feel nickeled and dimed in fees for “interactive services”? We’re here to help. SnapAV has teamed up with Clare to help dealers improve...