ESA Hybrid of In-Person and On-Demand, Virtual Summit Experiences, Passes Now Available Leadership Summit is around the corner! Leaders in the electronic security and life safety industry can still register to attend this in-person event held at the Omni Frisco hotel,...
After a year of virtual events, Zoom calls, virtual networking and happy hours, people are itching to get back together in person. A survey conducted in April by The Business Journal, surveyed past event attendees across 44 markets and found that nationally, 50% of respondents said they were ready to return to in-person events...
I always enjoy writing articles for Security Nation since it forces me to slow down and reflect. Not normal behavior if you know me. As I took the opportunity to slow down this time, I was struck by a recent discussion with my management team. We had...
“When you lose a customer it feels like a smack in the face,” said Tim Creenan, Owner and CEO, Amherst Alarm, Inc. Your bottom line suffers, and your pride may suffer as well. Yet tracking and measuring customer attrition are within reach and should become...
Leadership Summit attendees understand the value of networking. The Summit offers two clear assets to those who register; education and networking. Combined, these two intangible benefits can greatly help your company to grow and prosper. The Summit offers many different...
How much sales growth has your company lost to excuses? Sales excuses may be born out of inefficiency, lack of resources, being pulled in too many directions, or simply having bad habits. Some combination of those conditions exists in just about any...
In January of 2015 I was driving home from work and my husband called. What I thought would be our normal “what should we have for dinner” conversation, turned out to be: “We have been robbed”. (I could have corrected him that we were actually burglarized, but I didn’t think it was...
Parks Associates, the market research firm specializing in technology will lead breakout sessions for the upcoming in-person and virtually available ESA Leadership Summit, being held Oct 4-7 at the Dallas Cowboys Headquarters in Frisco, TX. Elizabeth Parks, president of Parks...
The August 9, 2021 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) press release articulated what many reading this blog already know through experience. The number of job openings increased to a record 10.1 million as of the end of June, which is...
Here are highlights of legislative activity that could impact the electronic security and life safety industry. Federal Legislative Summary – August 2021 August is typically a month that Congress takes a break from its “sausage making” and members spend...