Acknowledging Our Ambassadors: Celebrating the Membership Campaign Volunteers and the Vital Work They Do

Acknowledging Our Ambassadors: Celebrating the Membership Campaign Volunteers and the Vital Work They Do
Electronic Security Association — October 21, 2024

40 volunteers worked on the ESA 2024 Membership Campaign this year, selflessly dedicating their time, energy, and passion to making a difference in the ESA community. Here we shine a spotlight on their incredible contributions and accomplishments and offer a heartfelt “Thank You.”  

  • Over 50 new members were added to the ESA rolls! 
  • Over $224,000 in campaign revenue was generated! 
  • 37 out 40 volunteers produced campaign credit! 

One of the many attributes of campaign volunteers is their ability to forge connections and foster a sense of community. Volunteers often bridge gaps between different industry groups, acting as ambassadors on behalf of ESA for the betterment and advancement of all.   

The work done by these volunteers has made a tangible and significant difference, and the positive outcomes we’re already seeing are a testament to their efforts. Whether it was recruiting new members, encouraging a new ESX attendee to become an ESA member and benefit from its many programs and resources, or fostering and promoting any other facet of the membership campaign, the contributions of our volunteers have been instrumental in achieving our collaborative goals.  

As we reflect on the success of the 2024 Membership Campaign, it’s important to recognize that these impressive accomplishments are the result of teamwork and the impactful reach of dedicated volunteers and professional staff coming together to move forward a common cause. Each volunteer played a crucial role, and it is this collaborative spirit that has made this campaign a resounding success.  

We are incredibly grateful for their involvement and look forward to continuing this journey of making ESA such a meaningful force in our industry’s future for all.  

Tatiana Abramek Abramek National Monitoring Center
Neil Atha Atha Atronic Alarms
John Barney Barney TriStar Commercial LLC
Jeremy Bates Bates Bates Security
Dean Belisle Belisle DMP
Holly Borgmann Borgmann ADT
Matthew Brandon Brandon AvantGuard Montoring Centers
Melissa Brinkman Brinkman Custom Alarm
George De Marco De Marco DECO Ventures LLC
Cort Dixon Dixon AvantGuard Montoring Centers
Robert Few Few The Connection Xchange
Cameron Fleck Fleck Newvision
Merlin Guilbeau Guilbeau ESA
Quentin Gunther Gunther Resideo
Mark Hillenburg Hillenburg DMP
Brad Hobday Hobday LOUD Security
Tracy Larson Larson WeSuite
John Loud Loud LOUD Security
Avi Lupo Lupo DICE Corporation
Jason Lutz Lutz Resideo
Kirk MacDowell MacDowell MacGuard Security Advisors Inc
Mark Matlock Matlock National Monitoring Center
Connor Miller Miller AvantGuard Monitoring Centers
David Morgan Morgan SD Marketing (Security Dealer Marketing)
Ben Murray Murray Affiliated Monitoring
John Nemerofsky Nemerofsky Sage Integration
Jody Patterson Patterson National Monitoring Center
Audrey Pierson Pierson Audrey Pierson Consulting
Nathan Raustad Raustad Wayne Alarm Systems
Randall Renfroe Renfroe Allstate Security
Cameron Richter Richter AvantGuard Monitoring Centers
Julie Robillard Robillard National Monitoring Center
Ralph Sevinor Sevinor Wayne Alarm Systems
Rick Seymour Seymour Guardian Hawk
Kevin Stone Stone Doyle Security
Paul Verruto Verruto Wayne Alarm Systems
Jake Voll Voll Security Sales and Solutions, Inc. D/B/A SS&Si Dealer Network
Jamie Vos Vos Security Solutions
Eric Widner Widner LOUD Security
Danny Youngerman Youngerman Eyeforce Remote Guarding
Danny Tolleson Tolleson Turner Security Powered by TechCore