ESA Membership Campaign: 5 Reasons You Need to Stop What You’re Doing and Commit

ESA Membership Campaign: 5 Reasons You Need to Stop What You’re Doing and Commit
Electronic Security Association — November 30, 2023

By John Loud

Trade associations are the backbone of industries, connecting professionals, shaping policies, and advancing collective interests.
While all of you have undoubtedly benefited from the resources and opportunities provided by ESA, it’s equally important for professionals to consider what they give back to the association by volunteering their time and expertise towards our membership campaign.

We’re launching the ESA Membership Campaign for its second year now. It’s an opportunity to get engaged with the association— and with our incredible ESA Staff members who are so very passionate about the work we do.

Of course, you’ll enjoy the banter — the opportunity to get competitive with peers as we spread the word about all the ways ESA makes businesses like the ones we work for better. But there’s also the sense of accomplishment seeing your face climb up the leaderboard on
our check-in calls, knowing that you’re doing something meaningful for the association.

There are prizes to be won along the way — like of course, our BIG TRIP! All volunteers who raise a certain amount of money for ESA
by recommending membership, advertising opportunities and ESX registrations will be eligible for themselves and spouse/partner to
join us on an expense-paid Caribbean trip!

In September, a group of us had a blast for four days at Secrets Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. It was a great opportunity to share some time with industry pros who are passionate about what we do.

If this isn’t enough, I’m going to give you five reasons why you should stop what you’re doing now and go to ESAWEB.ORG/CAMPAIGN-COMMIT to get involved in this year’s campaign.

You’re Strengthening the Industry

Trade associations serve as a central hub for professionals and businesses to come together. Volunteering for ESA allows you to actively participate in shaping the future of the industry. By contributing your time, knowledge, and skills to show others who you have benefited from the association, you help strengthen our collective voice — and promote industry growth and innovation.

This is Networking at its Finest

Rich engagement with the association, like volunteering in the campaign, provides impactful networking opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your career, you’ll connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion and goals over the next seven months together — all accumulating to a fun long weekend together! The relationships you build can lead to
collaborations, mentorships, and business opportunities that might not have been possible otherwise.

Reaching Outside of Your Comfort Zone is Powerful

This is an opportunity for personal and professional growth. You’ll gain new skills, expand your knowledge, and develop leadership abilities by working with others outside of your company. It’s an excellent way to enhance your resume and make you a more marketable professional.

Giving Back Feels Good

This is a form of service that goes beyond personal gain, contributing to the greater good of the industry and the professionals within it. This sense of giving back can be personally fulfilling and instill a sense of pride and purpose. The impact we will have on the association by getting others connected with ESA is significant.

Trust Me, this is Fun!

We work hard, sure. But we have A LOT of fun along the way. Just ask the pros who contributed to last year’s membership campaign.