Children of First Responders Receive 2020 ESA Youth Scholarship Awards

Winners of the 2020 ESA Youth Scholarship Program have been announced. These high school seniors are children of first responders who have demonstrated a commitment to excellence and are inspired by the work their parent(s) do in our communities.
In 2020, the program awarded more than $33,000 in scholarship awards across the country. Of this, $10,000 total was awarded to national first place and second place finalists who were recently awarded with their checks.
The first place overall national finalist was Megan O’Grady of Florida, who received $7,500 from the ESA Youth Scholarship Program.
Megan aims to pursue psychology to eventually open a practice to assist police officers suffering from PTSD.
“I’m proud of my dad, because he doesn’t hesitate to help people in need — no matter what,” says Megan.
ESA surprised Megan with the announcement of her winning and awarded her the check at Cape Coral Police Department, where her father serves. Watch Megan accept her check below.
The program’s second place overall national finalist was Abigail Richardson of Ohio, who received $2,500 from the program.
“Like thousands of children of first responder parents, I am grateful for our family time — which always seems sparse,” says Abigail.
“I have a special and unique view of law enforcement. Not only is my dad a police officer, but also a percussionist in the Cleveland Police Pipes and Drum band. As a band member, he has attended numerous funerals for fallen officers across our nation — so I have an especially intimate view of what police officers commit each day to protect communities,” Abigail wrote in her application.
As ESA member companies install, integrate and monitor technologies that help keep people, places and property safe, they work intimately with the public safety sector. The national trade association appreciates the contribution that police, firefighters, paramedics, and EMTs offer to our communities. The ESA Youth Scholarship Program is another way for members to recognize the important work of first responders.
Finalists of the ESA Youth Scholarship Program are chosen based on a combination of academic achievement, national test scores, extracurricular participation and an essay. The 2020 national finalists are bright young individuals who both have plans to continue the legacy of positive impact their parents create. ESA is proud to offer financial support for their pursuit of postsecondary education.
Since its launch in 1996, ESA’s Youth Scholarship Program has contributed more than $733,750 to deserving students throughout the nation.
See below for a listing of all first place winners from the 14 participating states, where local associations participate in the ESA Youth Scholarship program.
The first place winners of state awards were: David Vojtaskovic of California, Michael Amella of Colorado, Jordyn Hunt of Connecticut, Megan O’Grady of Florida, Lauren Bailey of Georgia, Holly Picket of Indiana, Whitney Dawson of Kentucky, Lily Larsen of Nevada (Clark County), Avery Snyder of New York, Savannah Pless of North Carolina, Abigail Richardson of Ohio, Rebekah Seamans of Pennsylvania, Jonathan Schade of Washington and Hannah Wenzel of Wisconsin.
The national finalists recognized above are selected from these first–place winners.
ESA congratulates all recipients of awards in the 2020 ESA Youth Scholarship Program and wishes them the best in their future pursuits.
The 2021 ESA Youth Scholarship Program will open for entries in November. Learn more at .
Thank you to our 2020 sponsors DMP and COPS Monitoring.