Overcoming the Odds in Electronic Security: Breaking the Glass Ceiling!

Overcoming the Odds in Electronic Security: Breaking the Glass Ceiling!

From a single mother working as a waitress and bartender to now serving as President of the largest professional trade association in the U.S. representing the electronic life safety, security and integrated systems industry, Angela White has shattered the glass...
ESA Rising Leaders: Get Into Security!

ESA Rising Leaders: Get Into Security!

ESA’s Rising Leaders Provide New Insight Into Career Opportunities in the Rapidly-Evolving Electronic Security and Life Safety Industry Cobb County, GA Fire Marshal approves NTS Course as NICET Equivalent     --> ESA Rising Leaders: Get Into Security! ESA’s Rising...
Securing Your Business: ESA Experts Provide Insight For Small Business Owners

Securing Your Business: ESA Experts Provide Insight For Small Business Owners

To help small businesses and small business owners make an informed, smart decision when selecting a security provider, ESA brought together four members from around the country in a roundtable format to provide their insight and expertise. Cobb County, GA...
Bill to Allow Businesses to Expense Fire Alarm and Security Systems

Bill to Allow Businesses to Expense Fire Alarm and Security Systems

The most significant tax bill in over 30 years was passed by Congress and signed into law on December 22, 2017 by President Trump. Over 23 million comments were filed in response to an FCC plan to reverse a two-year...
How to Catch a Murderer

How to Catch a Murderer

Electronic security and life safety professionals deter crime — they help people feel safe. They can even put a murderer behind bars. Just ask David Morris, president of ESA member company, Modern Systems Inc., of Somerset, KY. This past summer,...
85% of Business Failures Occur in Companies That Don’t Belong to a Trade Association

85% of Business Failures Occur in Companies That Don’t Belong to a Trade Association

Yes, you read that correctly — it’s an extremely high percentage, but it doesn’t surprise me. Associations, like ESA, bring so much value to their members that they should be a staple in your company's annual budget. As we embark...
How this One Member Benefit Can Help Recoup More than Double Your Member Dues

How this One Member Benefit Can Help Recoup More than Double Your Member Dues

Ever compare dollar-for-dollar your membership’s annual fees vs. the savings it brings you? For now, let’s just compare it against ONE of the many member benefits that you and your company’s employees are entitled to by being a member of...
Vlogging and Learning are a Great Match

Vlogging and Learning are a Great Match

Vlogging and the video culture of the youngest generations may seem strange to us parents and grandparents, but this mode of communication is mainstream for teens and younger kids. HAVE YOU HEARD of Jake or Logan Paul? My kids love...