Sometimes It Takes a Coalition to Protect a Profession

Sometimes It Takes a Coalition to Protect a Profession

We are monitoring 122 bills related to occupational licensing just passed the halfway mark in the year. Many are innocuous. But many others could have or will have a significant impact on your business, if passed. As the electronic security...
Don’t Miss DMP’s X1 Series™ Output Solution

Don’t Miss DMP’s X1 Series™ Output Solution

The next time customers ask if their lights, locks, and any other item they wish can be controlled with the X1 Series, the answer is yes, all of them — now they can manage any output across their entire site....
Jeff Butler to Advise Security Leaders About Winning the Talent War

Jeff Butler to Advise Security Leaders About Winning the Talent War

The 2021 ESA Leadership Summit programming continues to get stronger! Adding to the two prior announcements where Dr. Ivan Joseph and Chad Porter were unveiled as keynote speakers for this year's Summit — Jeff Butler now officially joins the line-up...
2021 ESA Youth Scholarship Winners Announced

2021 ESA Youth Scholarship Winners Announced

The electronic security industry works closely with the public safety sector and we greatly appreciate the contributions that police, firefighters, paramedics, and EMTs offer to our communities. To show our appreciation, the ESA Youth Scholarship program was developed to provide...
Telguard Announces First 5G LTE-M Communicators with Internet and Cellular Dual Path

Telguard Announces First 5G LTE-M Communicators with Internet and Cellular Dual Path

The TG-7FE and TG-7E allow customers to cut traditional landlines and use internet connectivity and cellular for a flexible dual path solution. Telguard, a leader in security and life safety communications, is pleased to announce its first line of dual...
ESA Board Appoints New Directors Steve Paley of Rapid Security Solutions and Kevin Stone of Doyle Security Systems to Complete Board Composition

ESA Board Appoints New Directors Steve Paley of Rapid Security Solutions and Kevin Stone of Doyle Security Systems to Complete Board Composition

The ESA Board of Directors completed its composition in accordance with its recently amended and adopted bylaws with the appointment of two ESA Competency Directors. These board-appointed positions provide skill and competency in identified fields or specialties of value to...
ESA Joins Effort to Protect Background Checks in California

ESA Joins Effort to Protect Background Checks in California

ESA has joined with 20 trade associations and organizations in an amicus (friend of the court) letter to the California Supreme Court urging it to reverse a lower court ruling that could have a devastating impact on the ability of...
Managing Your Installation Department for Success

Managing Your Installation Department for Success

A successful installation begins long before the technician arrives on the job site and ends only when Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have been tracked and evaluated in alignment with company goals. Cindy Ponder, Vice President of Operations at Bates Security,...
Clare Controls Unveils Suite of Security and Surveillance Solutions at ISC West 2021

Clare Controls Unveils Suite of Security and Surveillance Solutions at ISC West 2021

Clare Controls, maker of the powerful ClareOne wireless security and home automation system distributed exclusively by Snap One, unveiled a range of new security solutions at ISC West 2021. “Clare has changed the way home technology professionals install and manage...
Dr. Ivan Joseph to Help Security Pros Grow Grit within Their Teams at Leadership Summit

Dr. Ivan Joseph to Help Security Pros Grow Grit within Their Teams at Leadership Summit

#ESASummit21 Dr. Ivan Joseph, who gave a record-setting TEDx Talk which was viewed over twenty-two million times, was named the NAIA #1 Coach of the Year, wrote a best-selling book, and has spoken to audiences around the world, will be...