The Oregon right to repair bill, which swiftly moved through the state legislature and now awaits the Governor's signature after passing on March 6th, 2024, could disrupt the entire industry’s operations in the Beaver state. Jake Braunger, Vice President of...
As with any sort of member-based business, there are always myths when it comes to memberships, benefits, and more. Here at ESA, we are not immune to these myths and hear them daily. So, I thought we could take a...
On March 6th, over 50 ESA and SIA representatives took to Capitol Hill in Washington DC to represent and advocate on behalf of the security and life safety industry for the 2nd annual Security Hill Day. Kicking things off the night...
If you're headed to ISC West next month then don't miss out on an opportunity to talk to our ESA team that will be on site to discuss everything you need to know about membership, training and certification, business insurance...
Great salespeople are some of the most optimistic people you’ll meet. They spend their business hours working for a “Yes” from their sales prospects. So why would any salesperson actively try to get a “No” instead? To answer that question,...
Hiring, onboarding, and retaining new employees is a pain point that many security companies continue to wrestle with. In fact, many say that the Number One challenge facing the industry is finding and holding onto talent. This topic was tackled...
It’s no question that the electronic security and life safety industry has steadily continued to evolve and advance over the years. Keeping perfect pace with that evolution is Lexington, Kentucky-based Bates Security. This security system integration company marked its beginnings...
Committed to breaking barriers and fostering diversity in the ever-evolving electronic security and life safety technology field, ESA has launched the “Women in Technology” Scholarship. The deadline to apply is March 31st and the winners will be announced April 12....
Michael Barnes, President of Barnes Associates Inc., joined ESA’s 2023 Virtual Town Hall Meeting in November to share his insights into the state of the industry and its trends. Looking at a 20-year view, it’s evident the industry’s growth has...
One of the major concerns for our industry over the past few years were proposals to defund the police. How they would lead to agencies reducing or even eliminating their responses to electronic security systems. In fact, a few communities...