New Process for Renewing ESA Certifications

As of January 1, there are two big changes to the NTS Certification Renewal process that will make it easier to keep your NTS Certification(s) current.
Work Experience During a Renewal Cycle
The first change taking effect is that CEU credit will be granted for verified work experience during a renewal cycle. Up to 8 hours of the required 24 hours of CEUs will be granted if the required work experience verification form is submitted. Work experience will be translated into CEUs according to the following:
• 1,000 On the Job Training (OJT) hours equals 8 CEUs
• Every 125 On the Job Training (OJT) hours equals 1 CEU
Reporting CEU Credits
The second change taking effect this year is that certification holders will only need to report their CEU credits on the ESA/NTS Certification Renewal Form. No backup documentation will be required at the time of renewal. It is still the responsibility of each certification holder to maintain records documenting qualified continuing education credits, as they are now subject to a random audit. If audited, you will receive notification from ESA/NTS within 60 days of receipt of renewal to send all requested CEU documentation for review.
Documentation requested may include any and/or all the following:
• Documentation of attendance and/or course completion certificate issued from the training
provider that contains:
-name of training provider
-title of the training
-name of the certified professional
-date the training was completed
-duration of the training
• A description or outline of the training content
• Other activities such as instruction and volunteering, which must be submitted with a letter on the official letterhead from the entity that hosted the activity (e.g., for service on a committee to be approved, the certification holder must provide a letter from the organization that confirms committee participation)
To renew your NTS Certification go to For any questions contact [email protected] or call 888-447-1689.