ESA Leadership Summit 2019 Receives High Marks from Attendees

Leaders in electronic security and life safety from across the nation agree the 2019 ESA Leadership Summit, held last week in Austin, provided valuable information and advice that will help grow and improve their businesses. Leaders in electronic security and life safety from across the nation agree the 2019 ESA Leadership Summit, held last week in Austin, provided valuable information and advice that will help grow and improve their businesses.
The most recent iteration of the strategically efficient annual event gathered leaders to start the year with best practice sharing, networking and collaborative strategizing.
The event’s post-show survey revealed an NPS score of 85, far outweighing the average B2B event score of between 30-50. This metric essentially communicates that 85 percent of respondents were very likely to actively refer the event to a colleague or friend.
“Leadership Summit is the best industry peer-to-peer networking event,” says one attendee.
“The event is packed with information to help you take your business to the next level,” says another survey respondent.
This is a result of impactful education, meaningful networking opportunities and a shared commitment to moving the industry forward – all part of the Leadership Summit’s approach to be strategically efficient.
Before the event, attendees arranged their meetings based on their interests and expertise using a conveniently accessible online platform to maximize strategic contact onsite. Attendees leveraged the platform to plan powerful interactions during dedicated one-on-one meeting times. Here, they found solutions for their businesses, strategies for operations, and more.
More than 90 percent of respondents indicated they made valuable business contacts with peers at the Summit’s networking events, which included formal and casual opportunities to connect and engage. In addition to planned meetings, those in attendance had chances for spontaneous connections at highly-praised social events and outings, where many enjoyed live music, local food and interactive experiences.
Another strong component of the event was its uniquely varied educational programming. The sessions made such an impact on attendees that 100 percent of respondents indicated the information and advice they received will help them grow their businesses. To achieve this level of satisfaction, Leadership Summit dedicated resources to bringing in experts from outside the industry to encourage new perspectives and help leaders take their businesses to the next level.
“The amount of specific education that is available in a short timeframe is a tremendous opportunity,” says one anonymous survey-taker.
Sessions explored topics such as:
• Hiring techniques
• Online marketing trends
• Optimizing sales teams
• Leadership self-evaluations
• Engaging employees
• Profit generating tips
• and more
Presenters from outside the industry were packed into the programming to encourage a fresh perspective.
Of the highly rated sessions was “What Keeps You Up at Night,” an industry-specific collaborative panel conversation, featuring expert industry viewpoints in marketing, integration, sales training and relevant consumer research.
All of the event’s Main Stage feature presentations and education breakouts received an average rating of 4.5 out of 5, and 92 percent of respondents indicated they got a sense of the major electronic security industry trends through the event’s programming.
In all aspects, Leadership Summit provided attendees the best experience yet. By dedicating time, resources and effort to developing a strategically efficient networking and educational program, ESA has invested in the future of the industry by educating and connecting its leadership.
For more information on the 2020 ESA Leadership Summit, stay tuned to