Behind The Brochures: SIAC’S Comprehensive Approach to Alarm Advocacy

Behind The Brochures: SIAC’S Comprehensive Approach to Alarm Advocacy
Electronic Security Association — June 25, 2024

SIAC has implemented two new strategies to maintain top-of-mind awareness among police leadership when it comes to the issue of alarm management.

“High turnover in the ranks of Chiefs of Police makes it important that we continuously engage at the local, state and national levels,” says SIAC Executive Director Stan Martin. “When alarm issues are on the agenda, we want agencies to know that SIAC is a free resource to offer expertise to reduce calls for service while maintaining police response to alarms.”

These support services are in addition to the meetings the SIAC team attends with law enforcement leaders throughout the United States each year through associations such as the State Association of Chiefs of Police (SACOP), the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA).

The continuing education efforts include a new brochure and a version of the brochure used as an advertisement in magazines aimed at police leaders in Maine and Michigan.

“We want to thank Brandon Freedman of Wayne Alarms for his assistance in creating the ad and brochures,” Martin adds. “We are also happy to announce that Brandon has assumed the role of Treasurer for our organization.”

SIAC encourages local alarm organizations and companies to obtain copies of the brochures for outreach in their local communities by contacting SIAC at [email protected]