Hail to the Chiefs: Meet SIAC’s Law Enforcement Liaisons

There are few jobs as challenging and rewarding as leading a public safety agency and keeping a community safe from crime. When law enforcement leaders look at the issue of managing calls for service from the electronic security industry, they can turn to a team that has shared their pressures and concerns and can offer proven solutions to managing false alarms.
“SIAC recognized from the beginning that there is a special relationship and respect among those who have held leadership positions in public safety agencies,” said Stan Martin, SIAC executive director. “Starting with retired deputy chief Glen Mowrey, in 2003 our organization began recruiting retired chiefs for the position of Law Enforcement Liaison.
“Their credibility and experience opened the door for honest conversations about alarm issues on a peer-to-peer basis,” said Martin. “SIAC’s history of documented success with the Model Alarm Ordinance for alarm management in partnership with the International Association of Chiefs of Police and National Sheriff’s’ Association, allows them to offer credible proven solutions.”
Meet the SIAC Team
Glen Mowrey – Former Deputy Chief, Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North Carolina police. One of the first agencies to successfully adopt and implement the Model Alarm Ordinance. Glen has also been instrumental in the creation and implementation of alarm management committees through state chief’s associations.
Steve Keefer – Retired Chief Sparks, Nevada police department. Graduate of the Senior Management Institute for police and FBI academy. Steve covers the Western United States.
This April the SIAC team added Joseph Estey, former President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and retired chief from Hartford, Vermont.
Our newest addition Allan Rutledge, retired Major, Charlotte- Mecklenburg police. Allan is a member of the Major City Chiefs Intelligence Commanders Group and Police Executive Research Forum.
“Each law enforcement liaison brings decades of experience and credibility for our industry as they work with individual agencies and state alarm management committees to develop and implement policies that continue to allow police response to alarms while significantly mitigating the issue of unnecessary dispatches,” said Martin.
SIAC’s work on behalf of the electronic security industry and the citizens we serve is supported by contributions from members of our industry. This allows us to continue our outreach to law enforcement as a free service which is a necessary element in the providing reliable information in a timely manner.