Electronic Security Expo Session Highlight: Intro to Video Monitoring

The 2021 Electronic Security Expo Virtual Experience has delivered great value to security professionals tuning in from coast to coast. In this specific session, “Intro to Video Monitoring,” Morgan Hertel of Rapid Response and Tom Nakatani of ADT spoke about the many opportunities within the field of indoor and outdoor video monitoring.
Morgan and Tom spoke about the legal realities of security systems in regards to facial recognition. It was advised that great consideration should be taken if you are thinking about implementing facial recognition, as the legal aspects are tense. Consult with legal firms, as they will be able to help you carefully travel through the legalities of this controversial technology.
Some time was spent in this session speaking about the opportunities of indoor and outdoor video monitoring, with analytic implementations. Indoor monitoring has opportunities such as verification, identifying if someone has a weapon, people counting and patterns worth noting, health applications, and policy enforcement, such as mask detection and littering detection. Outdoor video monitoring opportunities include verification, hostile environments, car lots, fire detectors, and smoke detectors.
One thing that integrators need to remember is that their products and services need to solve a problem, not just perform a task. This problem being solved is the value that your business is brings to your customers. Ask yourself, “what is my business solving?”
Do you know the difference between analytics and artificial intelligence? Session experts explained analytics represents software that searches for a specific thing and is purpose-built, such as a video camera making sure that everyone is wearing a mask. Artificial intelligence takes data, learns what is considered ‘normal patterns,’ and then identifies unusual activity based on its understanding of these patterns.
Focus on your customer value proposition. What are you really offering your customers? The ESX speakers summarized that point well. Keeping eyes on facilities, increasing safety, reducing false alarms, quickening response, and providing better information and awareness are the key values security pros offer.
Customers aren’t worrying about what your products can do, they just want their problems to be solved. What is better, to say, “our security cameras can hold 10 terabytes of memory,” or, “our company will give you peace of mind through increased safety, less false alarms, and even faster response from local law enforcement?” You decide.
Technology has clearly advanced dramatically, even within this past decade. It was considered a dream to think that security cameras would be able to determine what is normal and what is not, through the innovation of artificial intelligence. When asked a question regarding the wide-spread integration of artificial intelligence, our speakers said artificial intelligence is already here, it’s not something that is eventually going to be added to security.
Learn about security camera analytics and artificial intelligence to enhance your customer value proposition and to keep up with the endless list of innovations that continually moves the electronic security industry.
Learn more about video monitoring by enrolling in ESA’a Video System Technologies course.