About Us
The purpose of the executive committee is to assist the Board of Directors in governing the association more efficiently and to provide oversight between meetings.
Committee Members
The composition of the Executive Committee is determined by the bylaws and consists of the following ten individuals. The President/Chairman, four Vice Presidents, the Secretary and the Treasurer shall all be voting members of the committee. The Executive Officer and legal counsel shall be ex officio members.
Executive Committee Members
- Provide direction to the Executive Director/CEO on matters related to the affairs of the association between regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors.
- Develop a long-range plan with strategies to ensure the association’s growth and fiscal viability and to ensure that the programs of the association support the mission and vision of the association.
- Recommend to the Board of Directors fiscal policies and procedures for the association.
- Liaise to members, prospective members and the chartered chapter leaders on matters related to the affairs of the association.
- Actively pursue sponsorships and other financial contributions to the association.
- Actively recruit new members and associate members into the association.
- Serve as liaisons to the standing committees of the association.
- Actively support the programs of the association.
- Evaluate the performance of the Executive Director.
- Perform other duties as established by the Board of Directors.
As a trade association governed by a voluntary board of directors, the Electronic Security Association works through its executive staff and various committees and task forces established by the board to fulfill its mission. The executive committee is the only committee established and authorized by the ESA bylaws.
Meeting Schedule
The Executive Committee meets on the third Thursday of each month.
How to Join
Members of the executive committee are elected by the membership. These positions require a significant commitment of time and financial resources. For additional information regarding the requirements of a committee member including the job description, characteristics and questions to consider.
Committee member characteristics
For more informatino on joining the committee, please contact the staff liaison.
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Executive Committee
About Us
Committee Members
Meeting Schedule
How to Join
Upcoming Events
Understanding Electronic Security Systems / Virtual/ February 26-27
02/26/2025 - 02/27/2025
Advanced Intrusion Systems / Virtual/ February 11-12
02/11/2025 - 02/12/2025