7 Reasons to Follow ESA on Social Media

ESA provides many helpful tools that members use to stay as efficient and profitable as possible. But the question is: Are you using all the available tools? If you are not currently following ESA on social media, this is for you … seven reasons why you need to follow ESA on social media:
The Newest of News
ESA keeps you informed on relevant topics within the electronic security and life safety industry — new bills and laws, business advice, training, impactful industry news and more. This information is crucial for operating an electronic security business. Business owners, managers and employees should invest time learning about long-term, direct impacts to their industry and company.
We regularly publish and distribute news articles on our social media channels for everyone to read. These resources are completely free. We want all security pros to learn from our professional articles, so their businesses can prosper.
Webinars, Live!
Every official ESA webinar is aired live on Facebook and can be viewed at any time. If you ever miss an ESA webinar, do not panic! Just go to ESA’s Facebook page; click on the videos button; and search for the webinar you wish to view.
Webinars have rapidly gained in popularity. They are great resources for learning about products and services that your business can offer to customers. The best part of webinars is that they are virtual. You can attend a high-quality event while staying within the comforts of your own desk.
Every Event. All in One Place.
Learn about all of ESA’s events which focus on education, networking and efficiency. ESA hosts the Leadership Summit, the Electronic Security Expo and more, depending on industry need. All events will have dedicated posts describing their purpose, time, place and how to register. We will also submit reminder posts, so you do not forget to attend.
The Best of Products
The best businesses require best-of-breed products and services. From surveillance cameras and monitoring to access control devices, ESA’s social media posts show you what is new and reliable to enhance customers’ lives. Your customers expect the best from you, so you should expect the best from your products and service offerings.
Instead of spending hours trying to research individual electronic security products and services on the internet, ESA provides listings of reliable companies. One way to view these products and services is through our regular social media posts.
One Word: Sale!
Everyone likes a good sale. Whenever there is a sale on ESA National Training School certification and licensing courses, we make sure everyone knows. That means you can expect posts about future sales on social media. The great savings alone should convince you to follow ESA on social media. So, what are you waiting for?
Helping your electronic security business to thrive is one of our purposes at ESA and saving money is a great way to help keep your business in the money (ITM).
Maximize Your Investment
ESA membership is an investment. Every aspect of membership should be utilized, such as discounts on training and insurance, and other business-related services. We highly recommend following ESA on social media to remain active as an ESA member. The companies that prosper as ESA members take their membership seriously and are active.
However you invest in your company — marketing, training employees or ESA membership — you should understand the important role that investing has within your organization. Investing is for the purpose of advancing a company, so it must be understood as a long-term commitment. A great way to maximize your investment as an ESA member is to keep up with ESA on social media. Use your membership to its max!
Support the Electronic Security Industry
Lastly, you should follow ESA on social media to support your industry. For example, as a non-profit organization, ESA donates money to children of first responders via our Youth Scholarship Program to assist with college expenses. We would really appreciate it if you would follow ESA on social media for the sake of supporting ESA and the electronic security industry.
There are many reasons to follow ESA on social media, all of which can help your business, career and wallet. Click the social media icons below that you are active on and click “like” or “follow.” We look forward to seeing and interacting with you there.