State-by-State COVID-19 Security Industry Updates

The dramatic events related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) over the last few weeks are unlike anything previously experienced in the US economy. The Electronic Security Association is committed to be a valued resource and partner to our members, their customers and all stakeholders who are engaged in the effort to curb this virus and preserve our businesses, protect jobs and keep the economy moving.
This page will serve as a resource for the steps we are taking to help members at the state-by-state level. We know the flow of information on executive actions from mayors, governors and legislation from states can be overwhelming. We hope these resources will help you distill information that will be most helpful in your service area.
State Executive Order Tracking
Alabama:Not issuing new licenses: “The AESBL staff is processing mail daily. However, ALEA is not currently operating its criminal background check division, and therefore, we are unable to submit background checks. Because of this, we are unable to issue new licenses at this time.” DETAILS
Florida: DBPR Emergency Order 2020-03 suspends and tolls through May 31, 2020, the following: all time requirements, notice requirements, and deadlines for final agency action on applications for permits, licenses, rates, and other approvals under any statutes or rules for which such applications are deemed approved unless disapproved in writing by specified deadlines; all final orders reflecting final agency action; all time requirements, notice requirements and deadlines for filing responses to notices of intended agency action pursuant to s. 120.569, Florida Statutes; and all deadlines for licensure eligibility and examination eligibility.
Florida: DBPR Emergency Order 2020-01 suspends the license renewal deadline for a period of 30 days following the existing renewal deadline for any license, permit, registration, or certificate with an expiration occurring in March or April. The order also provides that license renewal requirements for completion of continuing education, if applicable, are also suspended for the same time period.
North Carolina: Emergency rule adopted: the State Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors grants a one-time waiver of the annual CE requirement set forth under the authority G.S. 87-44.1.
New York: Temporary approval has been granted for professionals to conduct qualifying course final examinations using the secure online ProctorU process and video-ProctorU Pre-Exam
Tennessee: Governor Lee signed Executive Order No. 15. (“the Order”). The Order provides the Commissioner of the Department of Commerce and Insurance (“the Department”) the discretion to reasonably extend deadlines for obtaining required education and continuing education to boards, commissions, and agencies administratively attached. Therefore, effective immediately until May 18, 2020 or until further such notice, no license will be suspended for failure to complete continuing education requirements.
Texas: Governor Greg Abbott has approved waiving certain licensing requirements for the fire industry at the request of the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI).These changes affect three types of licenses: fire extinguishers, fire alarms, and fire sprinklers. New licenses: Certifications options will be approved in place of required exams. License Renewals: If your license is set to expire in March or April TDI will: extend the renewal deadline for 2 months, waive late fees and extend the deadline to take your exam. DETAILS