Building Trust: SIAC’s Role in Enhancing Alarm Management with Georgia Police Chiefs
By Chief Joe Estey (ret)
SIAC Law Enforcement Liaison
The Security Industry Alarm Coalition (SIAC) continues to play a pivotal role in fostering strong relationships and providing fact-based educational resources to law enforcement leaders across the nation. At the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police (GACP) Summer Conference, SIAC once again demonstrated its commitment to collaboration and education.
During the conference, Kennesaw Chief Bill Westenberger and I delivered a presentation to the GACP Executive Board, highlighting the history and successes of GACP’s Alarm Management Committee (AMC) and the impact of the industry’s AVS-01 standard. We also provided valuable educational materials to support ongoing alarm management efforts.
The second day of the conference featured the Alarm Management Committee meeting, where Committee Chair Chief Westenberger led discussions on critical topics including the AVS-01 standard, strategies for reducing alarm rates, and emerging issues in the industry. The meeting was attended by key stakeholders such as Joe Estey and Glen Mowrey (SIAC), police chiefs, and industry representatives Doug Bassett, Brian Robertson (Comcast), and Scott Hightower (Verified Security). Together, they explored new opportunities for SIAC and further committee engagement.
Established by SIAC in 2005, the Georgia AMC is one of the earliest Alarm Management Committees in the country. Comprised of both alarm industry representatives and local police chiefs, the committee has been instrumental in developing what is now the foundation for the Model Alarm Ordinance—nationally promoted by SIAC as a best practice in alarm management.
Marietta, Georgia, was one of the first U.S. cities to adopt this ordinance, resulting in a remarkable 70% reduction in dispatches within the first 36 months. Each time SIAC participates as a conference sponsor, such as at the Georgia Chiefs Summer Conference, it strengthens trust and builds relationships that are crucial for passing local alarm ordinances. These efforts significantly reduce unnecessary dispatches while ensuring continued police response to alarm calls.