The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) was enacted in 1991 at the dawn of the internet and technology age and was written to provide consumers with certain protections as they related to “robocalls” using automatic telephone dialing system or “autodialers.”...
Members who participated in ESA’s District Day last week found the visits to their local congressional offices to be productive. Engaging with their elected officials and staffs, ESA Members moved the needle, educating many on the issues we face in...
School security and safety related bills dominated the state legislative activity for the last two months. There were 82 bills that were introduced or moved during this time and many of these bills will provide for infrastructure improvements that include...
In the wake of Parkland, Florida and the organized protests that followed, Congress is moving with several pieces of legislation that make substantial efforts to do something about the more immediate infrastructure improvements needed to address school safety. Some bills...
Legislative action leads to new statutes and there were plenty of new laws with potential impact on the electronic security industry enacted in March. The following highlights some of the more notable bills enacted into law. Legislative action leads to...
February 2018 was another unprecedented month for legislation driven by a tragic ‘focusing event’. But, other legislation that demands attention also warrants some discussion. The mass shooting in Parkland, Florida spurred Legislatures to file bills that take numerous approaches to school...
After years of providing funds to study and research the cause of mass shooter attacks and theoretical approaches to preventing them in schools, Congress now appears ready to authorize meaningful funding to detect, deter and when possible, prevent future attacks....
On December 22, 2017, President Trump signed the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” into law. While media pundits speculated from liberal and conservative perspectives the impact the most significant tax reform in over 30 years would have on the economy,...
The most significant tax bill in over 30 years was passed by Congress and signed into law on December 22, 2017 by President Trump. Over 23 million comments were filed in response to an FCC plan to reverse a two-year...
Many virtual barrels of ink have spilled on the topic of “net neutrality” over the last two years and no issue has generated more intense scrutiny and public interest with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) since it published its proposed...