In the midst of the media and Congress focusing on tax reform and President Trump’s trip through Asia, a relatively harmless looking, one-page bill passed the House on November 7 that could really live up to its name, the “Save...
Paid Family Leave (PFL) is a concept that may be foreign to many members, but those in states like California, Rhode Island and New Jersey it is a current reality. And, it is coming to New York, Washington state and...
The electronic security and life safety industry is a heavily regulated industry for obvious reasons. Consumers want to know their personal protection is assured by objective licensing procedures that preclude felons from accessing their home or having security codes that...
‘Repeal and replace’ was a campaign promise from many (including the sitting President) for the looming failure of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), aka “Obamacare”, but as is usually the case, congressional leaders have not come up with a way...
When hi-jacked airliners flew into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, rather than the nations’ Capitol, on September 11, 2001, a glaring defect in public safety communication was exposed among many infrastructure issues. Hurricanes Katrina, Rita...
Prior to going on its customary summer recess, the United States Senate did manage to pass some interesting and important legislation. While the national news cycles remain focused on Russia, tax reform and health care, Congress did get other business...
Recent audits by the Washington Department of Revenue (DOR) in Washington State have raised questions about an Excise Tax Advisory (ETA) issued on March 7, 2014 regarding the sales tax implications for alarm monitoring companies and dealers. At the center...
During ESA's Day on Capitol Hill event held last month, ESA Members advocated on behalf of the electronic security and life safety industry with their elected representatives in Congress. One of the key issues presented by the attendees during their congressional visits was...
ESA successfully worked with a coalition of related industries, regular and national company members on two key bills moving through Congress. The “Financial CHOICE Act of 2017” contained a provision (strongly supported by the banking industry) that would remove the...
Buried within a 600-page bill, that is moving through the Congressional legislative process and aimed at repealing or amending much of the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation in 2010, is a provision that might have a key impact on small businesses...