Forecast Outlook for Residential Security and Add-On Devices
The outlook for residential security systems, professional monitoring and add-on devices has changed in 2020 as crisis has taken hold of the economy. This report provides insight into what changes and trends are expected in residential security based on the most recent data available. It includes detailed figures on smart home device adoption, revenue growth projections, consumer purchase intent and more. Download your copy today to access these key insights so you can plan for the road ahead.
Pro-monitored security households with interactive services will rise to 70% in 2020.
52% of all US broadband households intend to purchase some kind of smart home device in the next 12 months
Professionally monitored security subscribers are predicted to total 28.64 million at the end of 2020.
The full report, Forecast Outlook for Residential Security and Add-On Devices, is a Parks Associates Research Report commissioned by ESA and sponsored by Resideo to deliver the latest facts and trends to help you make informed decisions on capturing new customers through careful business strategy evolutions.

Enter your information here to receive the full research report, including detailed figures on smart home device adoption, revenue growth projections, consumer purchase intent and more.