ESA to Honor Children of Police and Firefighters

ESA to Honor Children of Police and Firefighters Tuesday, February 2, 2010   (0 Comments) Did your email system distort this message?  See it online. For Immediate Release PRESS RELEASE ESA Media ContactsLaurie A. KnoxDirector of Communications,Public Relations & MarketingPhone: (888)...

Security America RRG Announces Switch to Lloyd’s of London for Its Reinsurance

Security America RRG Announces Switch to Lloyd’s of London for Its ReinsuranceChange represents an increase in financial strength and the lowering of excess and umbrella insurance rates.Greenwood Village, Colo. – January 20, 2010 Security America RRG, a leading insurance company...

2010 ESA Leadership Summit Huge Success

2010 ESA Leadership Summit Huge SuccessMore than 230 attendees show support for their association, industry and businessIrving, Texas, January 19, 2010 – At their first event since voting for a name change, Electronic Security Association (ESA) members from across the...

Leading Companies in the Security Industry Show their Support to ESA

Leading Companies in the Security Industry Show their Support to ESAADI, Altronix, Diebold and Security America become Silver-Level PartnersIrving, Texas January 12, 2010 –The Electronic Security Association (ESA) is honored to announce that ADI, Altronix and Security America Risk Retention...

Honeywell Returns as ESA Platinum Level Partner

Electronic Security Association The Evolution of ESA For Immediate Release PRESS RELEASEESA Media ContactsLaurie A. Knox,Director of Communications,Public Relations & MarketingPhone: (888) 447-1689 ext. 209E-mail:[email protected] SmithCommunications SpecialistPhone: (888) 447-1689 ext. 210E-mail: [email protected] Returns as ESA Platinum Level PartnerHoneywell Security Group...