ESA Shows a Vibrant Present and Future

The basic notion of running a business – whether it is in the security industry or any other sector – is to generate revenue. Businesses that keep a close eye on the bottom line will thrive. While those that do not are unlikely to stay in business for long. For associations like ESA, the concept is a little different. Without a doubt, revenue is certainly essential to our existence. But what is more important is what we do with the revenue. Particularly when it involves your membership dues.
This edition of ESA’s Security Nation includes the 2023 Annual Report. I encourage you to review it, so you have a good overview of the positive impact made by your membership investment.
In 2023 ESA generated $1,315,532 in dues income. This revenue serves as a springboard for the activities and programs ESA provides to its members and the industry. In return for a subscription fee (annual dues), ESA offers discounts on tangible products and services. Which include registration to the Electronic Security Expo (ESX) which is our annual trade show. As well as networking opportunities like the EMP (Executive Management Professional) group, discounts on business insurance through Security America, training through our National Training School platform, and publications to name a few.
Another service offered but considered intangible is advocacy. This requires the association to act as a representative body by putting forth a collective view and position of its members, to media influencers, local, state, and federal government agencies, code and standard development organizations and regulators.
Inside the Annual Report, we drill into greater detail. With a breakout of expenses and metrics related to programs and activities including outreach on the industry’s behalf.
It is impossible to discuss ESA’s activities without elaborating on our flagship event, ESX. Scheduled for June 3-6, 2024, the expo is open exclusively to the pro-installer and integrator. ESX is designed for passionate professionals to learn more, share more, and interact more.
The list goes on, but you get the idea. We will never forget that you provide the foundational revenue that drives ESA today and moves us down the road to a healthy and prosperous future. The volunteer board and professional staff have a responsibility to ensure revenue is used wisely, and it is a challenge we gratefully embrace.