The August 9, 2021 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) press release articulated what many reading this blog already know through experience. The number of job openings increased to a record 10.1 million as of the end of June, which is...
Here are highlights of legislative activity that could impact the electronic security and life safety industry. Federal Legislative Summary – August 2021 August is typically a month that Congress takes a break from its “sausage making” and members spend...
Dear City of Houston Council Members, On behalf of the Electronic Security Association (ESA), I wish to express our opposition with certain proposed revisions to the City of Houston Administrative Code Provisions for the National Electrical Code. Specifically, we oppose...
Here are highlights of legislative activity that could impact the electronic security and life safety industry. Federal Legislative Summary – July 2021 Congress continued to wrangle over infrastructure in July. It seemed most of the news coming out of...
We are monitoring 122 bills related to occupational licensing just passed the halfway mark in the year. Many are innocuous. But many others could have or will have a significant impact on your business, if passed. As the electronic security...
Here are highlights of legislative activity that could impact the electronic security and life safety industry. Federal Legislative Summary – June 2021 Congress was busy in June, but not much happened. The wrangling over infrastructure and what should be...
We discussed in prior blogs about the looming issues we felt would be the most important for the electronic security industry that was euphemistically referred to as the “three L’s” of labor, licensing, and low-voltage. These issues continue to be...
Here are highlights of legislative activity that could impact the electronic security and life safety industry. Federal Legislative Summary – May 2021 While Congress continues debating dollars and scope of the next “infrastructure” bill, other issues are being introduced...
Here are highlights of legislative activity that could impact the electronic security and life safety industry. Federal Legislative Summary – April 2021 Congress took some time after its latest round of stimulus bills to focus on some other measures...
Photo (starting from left): Dan Gordon (Gordon Security Systems), Doug Bassett (XFINITY Home), Becky Busby-Maiello (Systems Distributors), Stan Martin (SIAC), John Loud (LOUD Security Systems), Gov. Brian Kemp, Joseph Gullett (GA. representative, District 67), Micah Gravly (Ga. representative, District 67),...