About Us
The Standards Committee develops and promotes the acceptance of standards for the effective and efficient use of electronic life safety, security and integrated systems, proactively monitoring and influencing the creation and adoption of those standards.
Committee Members
Under the leadership of the committee chair, committee members work together to set the agenda and accomplish the charge of the committee, ensuring that the committee proposes sound policies and develops imaginative and viable programmatic proposals.
Standards Committee Members
- Promote the acceptance of standards for the effective and efficient use of electronic life safety, security and integrated systems.
- Proactively monitor and influence the creation and adoption of standards by other standard developing bodies that affect electronic life safety, security and integrated systems.
- Engage in the development of standards that enhance public safety through the effective and efficient use of electronic life safety, security and integrated systems.
- Encourage the participation of those who sell, install, service, manufacture and/or monitor electronic security and life safety, access control, video surveillance and integrated systems along with state and local governments to adopt standards.
- Coordinate all official ESA participation in standards-related activities including the designation of ESA memberships and liaisons in standards-related organizations and development of policy and procedures for ESA participation in standards-related activities.
- Encourage and coordinate individual ESA standards-related activities, and promote the dissemination and understanding of standards-related information to ESA members.
As a trade association governed by a voluntary board of directors, the Electronic Security Association works through its executive staff and various committees and task forces established by the board to fulfill its mission.
To accomplish its policy and governance responsibilities, the board creates committees and charges them with specific areas of responsibility to meet the association’s mission and goals. The executive staff consults with and supports committee programs and activities.
The appropriate role of the committee is to make recommendations to the board concerning policy and new strategies.
Committees provide a venue for members to participate in the life of ESA. Members gain professionally and personally from the contact with colleagues, and future ESA leaders often emerge through committee involvement.
The President shall recommend to the Board of Directors, and the Board of Directors shall establish such committees as are necessary to achieve the objectives of the Association. The President shall appoint the chairperson and members of each committee. Committees may be abolished by action of the Board of Directors. Unless the Board of Directors provides otherwise by resolution, each committee shall conduct its business and take action in the same manner as the Board of Directors conducts its business pursuant to the ESA Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. Committees shall report to the Board of Directors and to the Members, if so directed, by the submission of the minutes of their meetings and by such other means as are desirable or appropriate. A member of a committee shall have the right to vote on all committee matters regardless of such member’s voting status or lack of status as a Member of the Association.
Meeting Schedule
The Standards Committee meets quarterly.
How to Join
Are you interested in joining the Standards Committee? Please contact the committee staff liaison for more information.
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Professional Fire Alarm Design / Virtual/ January 28-29 Copy Copy Copy
01/28/2025 - 01/29/2025
Understanding Electronic Security Systems / Virtual/ February 26-27
01/28/2025 - 01/29/2025