Become a Member Today!
By John Loud
I am excited to announce that ESA will kick off its first annual Membership Campaign later this fall. For those who have been engaged and involved with ESA over the years, you understand how being part of something bigger can make us all stronger. I have been involved with ESA for over a decade now in various capacities and I still encounter people who aren’t quite sure what role ESA plays in the industry or how they can benefit from becoming a member and getting engaged. In the end, ESA makes our businesses stronger. Let me show you how.
Strength in Numbers
By joining ESA, businesses become part of an alliance of the industry’s most innovative, informed, and determined professionals. Being a member means that you’ll never have to go at it alone—there is strength in numbers! Here, you’ll be given the opportunity to connect with fellow business owners and industry experts, learn about the latest technological advancements, and benefit from the perspectives of people with relevant experience. As a member of ESA, you and your teams gain access to a host of empowering resources including training and certification programs, sales team development, networking, best practice exchanges, and substantial member savings partnerships.
ESA Advocates for Our Industry
Our industry and businesses, no matter small or large, face unique challenges and often don’t have the time or resources to solve those problems or lobby our politicians to impact change on their own. That is one of the big benefits of ESA. ESA makes our industry stronger through its advocacy efforts, ensuring a healthy place for us to grow and do business. Throughout the year, ESA actively works at the local, state, and federal level bringing the concerns and viewpoints of its members to the ears of our lawmakers. We connect people to solve challenges and issues. We work together to build a better tomorrow for our industry.
Have a Seat at the Table
You may feel like membership to ESA isn’t the most exciting topic for this column, but it’s a topic close to my heart. Investing in ESA means becoming a member, and that investment fuels our mission to advance our profession. I invite you to join us. We have a seat at the table and welcome your insights, input, and energy. We also have incentives for you to join us with discounted rates that will be extended to you and your team to attend our upcoming ESX conference in Louisville this June.
If you have questions or want to learn more, I encourage you to reach out directly to me, one of ESA’s board members or anyone on our ESA leadership team. We would be happy to talk though the membership details, benefits and more.