State Licensing Guide – Terms of Service

Copyright © 2023, Electronic Security Association, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This guide provides State-level information; many municipalities, localities, counties and townships have separate or additional requirements. Contact the appropriate state or local regulatory agency for additional information concerning each license.

This guide, including the collection of information and links provided therein, is for the use of Electronic Security Association, Inc. (“ESA”) members and certain other users granted access via subscription only. The information provided is subject to change. While the ESA uses reasonable efforts to keep this collection current, neither the ESA nor any of its providers guarantee the accuracy, correctness, completeness, or timeliness of the guides, services, programs, data, or other information furnished herein (“Services”). THE ESA MAKES ANY NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE SERVICES OR RESULTS TO BE ATTAINED FROM THE USE OF THE SERVICES AND EACH DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. USE OF THE SERVICES IS AT THE USER’S SOLE RISK AND THE SERVICES AND ALL PORTIONS THEREOF ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE.” NONE OF THE SERVICES NOR ANY PORTION THEREOF CONSTITUTE ACTUAL LEGAL, TAX, ACCOUNTING, REGULATORY OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL ADVICE, OPINION, OR RECOMMENDATION BY ESA OR ANY OF ITS PROVIDERS. IF LEGAL OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE IS REQUIRED, THE SERVICES OF A PROFESSIONAL SHOULD BE SOUGHT.

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