ESA Board of Directors Election


Open Positions



Reports To: The President/Chairman, the Board of Directors and the Membership
Basic Function: The Secretary oversees the process of: recording and archiving the minutes of all association Board and Executive Committee meetings; holding the annual election; and calling the roll of voting members at all association Board and Executive Committee meetings. Like all officers of the Board, the Secretary has no authority to speak or act on behalf of the Board other than the authority specifically granted in the bylaws, in Board policy or by majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Specific Responsibilities:

  1. Oversees all records of the Board, including meeting minutes, the Board Roster, the association charter and any historical documents.
  2. At the request of the Board, researches organization records to provide information as necessary.
  3. Performs roll-call at all association Board and Executive Committee meetings, maintains records of director attendance and informs the President/Chairman of excessive absences.
  4. Is sufficiently familiar with governing documents (Board Policies, articles, bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order, etc.) to note applicability during meetings.
  5. Oversee the annual election of officers as outlined in the association bylaws.
  6. Serves as a member of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, and, as such, attends all called and/or special meetings of the Board or the Executive Committee.
  7. Performs duties assigned by the President/Chairman which includes serving as liaison to at least one of the association’s standing committees.
  8. Assists the President/Chairman in the performance of his or her duties, whenever requested to do so.
  9. Promotes all the objectives of the association.
  10. Attends special or ad hoc meetings as directed by the President/Chairman.
  11. Represents the association before other associations or organizations requested by the President/Chairman.

Accessible to all volunteer leaders and the general membership seeking answers or information about the association. Works closely with the Board and the executive officer and has occasional contact with senior association staff. Maintains personal contact with other national, regional, state, or local associations and institutions as appropriate. Maintains relationships with industry, government, public service organizations, press and association vendors to enhance the image of the association and the attainment of its objectives.


Vice President

Reports To: The President/Chairman, the Board of Directors and the Membership
Basic Function: Assists the President/Chairman in carrying out functions of the office and performs specific duties as designated by him/her. Like all officers of the Board, the Vice President has no authority to speak or act on behalf of the Board other than the authority specifically granted in the bylaws, in Board policy or by majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Specific Responsibilities

  1. Serves as a member of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, and, as such, attends all called and/or special meetings of the Board or the Executive Committee.
  2. Performs duties assigned by the President/Chairman which includes serving as liaison to at least one of the association’s standing committees.
  3. Assists the President/Chairman in the performance of his or her duties, whenever requested to do so.
  4. Promotes all the objectives of the association.
  5. Attends special or ad hoc meetings as directed by the President/Chairman.
  6. Represents the association before other associations or organizations requested by the President/Chairman.

Accessible to all volunteer leaders and the general membership seeking answers or information about the association. Works closely with the Board and the executive director and has occasional contact with other association staff personnel. Maintains personal contact with other national, regional, state, or local associations and institutions as appropriate. Maintains relationships with industry, government, public service organizations, press and association vendors to enhance the image of the association and the attainment of its objectives.

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ESA is always looking for passionate professionals in the electronic security and life safety industry to serve on its executive committee. This important volunteer effort makes your voice heard — as you help to steer the association’s initiatives.